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Questions, comments, suggestions & reviews are all welcome. Visit our Contact Us page for more information.

3170 US Route 50 in California, Suite 10
South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150

(775) 339-1557

Tahoe Beach Products transform your skin from dry & tight to soft & supple using our unique blend of oils & fine-grained, Lake Tahoe sand


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Welcome to Tahoe Beach Blog!

Molly Novasel

Hi everyone, thanks for stopping by to check out the Tahoe Beach website. We intend to use this blog to discuss new scents, Tahoe Beach product ideas, trends in the world of body products and (of course) Lake Tahoe! 

A short Intro about Tahoe Beach: 

Our founder, Cherise Smith, is a long time local of South Lake Tahoe and, like most, has battled the low humidity and dry skin for years. She began experimenting with body scrubs and lotions a couple of years ago using the pure water of Lake Tahoe. Finally ready to reveal her products to the world, Cherise began production and distribution in July of 2013. 

In future blogs we'll discuss exactly what makes Tahoe Beach products unique and effective. Thanks again!

Tahoe Beach Blog